Jessie Buckley goes after everything

After becoming worldwide known, she now stars in the must-see Wild Rose

 The superb performance of Jessie Buckley as the blonde wife of the firefighter affected by radiation in the Chernobyl series has placed the focus on this actress more than ever.

 Before this sudden worldwide fame, this Irish singer and actress had a celebrated career in the United Kingdom after obtaining the second place in 2008 in a recognized talent show.

 Even though she has several projects about to launch like the film about the biography of Judy Garland, there is a release this 29-year-old artist especially awaits.


Jessie Buckley's new film

 This is Wild Rose a musical in which she plays a girl from Glasgow who is passionate about country music and dreams of becoming famous in Nashville.

With a beautiful voice, Buckley takes full advantage of her powerful vocal ability as well as speaking a perfect Scottish accent.

Thus, she impresses from beginning to end in the film directed by Tom Harper in the role of a young woman who dreams of moving forwards.

An interpretation that has already fascinated the critics, it is thought that next year she will compete for a Golden Globe or an Oscar.

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