Viggo Mortensen plays a New Yorker for the first time

A native of the Big Apple, he will play an Italian-American with few manners

In the South of Latin America, Vigo Mortensen is especially loved because, having spent part of his childhood in Argentina and Venezuela, his Spanish is fluent and enjoyable, and he even confesses to being a fan of the porteño football club San Lorenzo.  

 But, the one who starred Aragorn in The Lord of the Rings is actually a native of New York. And now he's about to release the movie Green Book, where he will play a New Yorker for the first time.  

 The least expected friendship  

 Based on a real-life story, he will play a rude and quite foul-mouthed Italian American who in the 1960s struck an unexpected friendship with a piano concert player played by Mahershala Ali.  

 Such was his character’s temperament that Viggo even allowed himself to joke with his real-life relatives, happy with the movie. "Some seem terrifying," Mortensen said.  

 "They were very happy, they hugged me and cried, they told me that I sound like Tony Lip, that I look like him, I think it's a good thing because if they were not happy they would be destroying the place. So I'm relieved," the actor finished in a humorous way.


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