Green Book

Racism in the United States of 1960 as a backdrop

The United States of America has a dark chapter in its history and it is the discrimination suffered by people of color. A process that took place since its independence and lasted until well into the 60s.

But what exactly happened during those years in that country? Jim Crow laws restricted where African Americans and other ethnic groups could eat, sleep, sit, shop and walk. They determined what waterers and toilets they could use.

In fact, they circumscribed almost every aspect of daily life. Certain southern cities even passed "sunset" laws that made it illegal for people of color to be outside at dusk.

Within this framework, Green Book takes place, the film starring Viggo Mortensen and Mahershala Ali where a bodyguard works as the driver of a musician during his tour along the southern United States.

Two different worlds that will be tested on the road and will change their way of seeing life.  

Green Book is shaping up as the release of the year!


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