Danny y Michael Philippou from YouTubers to filmmakers

Their journey to film Talk to Me

Diamond's new horror film, Talk to Me, follows a group of friends who discover how to conjure spirits using an embalmed hand. This sparks a new thrill for them and they begin to use it more and more until one of them goes too far and unleashes terrible supernatural forces.

The film is directed by Danny and Michael Philippou, who are known for their YouTube channel whey they create intense horror and comedy live actions. Some of their audiovisual content includes parodies of Harry Potter, Marvel, or Star Wars. Between Facebook and YouTube, RackaRacka has over 2 billion views and over six million subscribers. 

How did they start? The twin brothers started filming wrestling matches between friends until they decided to do something more formal with their content, i.e. move on to making a TV show or short films over the Internet. One of the YouTube channel's first hits was Harry Potter VS Star Wars, which received 7 million views in just one week.

In 2020, they announced they would carry out a new project, their first movie for the big screen known today as Talk to Me. The film features a great cast, including Sophie Wilde, Miranda Otto, Joe Bird, and Alexandra Jensen.

Talk to Me had its world premiere at the Sundance Film Festival in January and will soon hit theaters in Latin America.

Stay tuned for more news!

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