The multiverse: the new obsession of the seventh art

The concept of parallel reality is increasingly appearing in cinema and television

Why are we so curious about alternative realities? This science-fiction resource is increasingly present under different names, whether multiverse or parallel realities. It is a fascinating concept that captures the viewer by its premise: the possibility of knowing a universe different from one's own.

What is the multiverse? It all starts with a theory proposed by the philosopher William James in the 19th century, who said there are alternative universes in the world, that is, all possible dimensions and realities exist in parallel. It was only a hypothesis at that time, but today it has more possibilities of being proven due to the advances in the astronomy field.

The concept of parallel realities appeared in countless fictions: Edgar Allan Poe wrote a poem where he imagined the existence of an unlimited succession of universes, Lewis Carrol's Alice in Wonderland delves into portals that allow travel to other worlds or, more recently, Neil Gaiman's novel Coraline delves into the possibility of an alternate reality where everything looks the same and seems even better than the protagonist's universe.

Nowadays, series such as Stranger Things or Dark used this narrative resource that captivates audiences so much. One of this year's releases that also sets out to reflect on the complexity of parallel realities is Everything Everywhere All at Once, a film that follows a Chinese immigrant who must save humanity by traveling to other universes. Unfortunately, this leads her to an even greater challenge when she finds herself lost in the infinite worlds of the multiverse. This is a great story starring Michelle Yeoh and Jamie Lee Curtis.

Would you like to watch this movie? Everything Everywhere all at once will hit theaters on June 9 in Latin American theaters.

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