Behind the scenes of films

What does an Art Director do?

In the last few months we have talked about the different roles involved in a film project and today we would like to talk about art directors to know in detail what they do, their tasks, and importance. It may be a concept you've often heard about, but sometimes the role is not so well-known, so here we go!

 Art direction is also known as production management in some Latin American countries. Regardless of the name, this role is fundamental as it is in charge of everything related to the visual construction of a film. What does it involve? Absolutely everything we see on the screen, except what has to do with the actors. This is achieved through long meetings and conversations between the director of the film, the director of photography and the art director.

 But what is art in the context of films? Art in cinema consists of those elements that make up the scenarios where the action is taking place, where it develops and the emotion it wants to convey. Let's see a concrete example: if we want to introduce a character in a quick way, instead of doing it through dialogues or scenes that gradually show their characteristics, the art director will be in charge of presenting them in a place that is comfortable for that character - their home, work - or somewhere where we see how they interact with themselves - in front of the mirror - so the viewer quickly understands their characteristics, personality, etc.

 The places where the characters are can be real or they can be built especially for the shooting. The combination between the idea proposed by the creative team and the materialization of that idea in a location is also the responsibility of the art director. Therefore, they are in charge of making the viewer feel immersed in the world that is being told -and in a believable way-.


An excellent job, with a great deal of responsibility!

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