A powerful drama on drug abuse

The moving film that marks the return of Julia Roberts to theaters

"Julia Roberts shines in the drama about addictions Ben is Back", that's how categorical is the specialized press who has not stopped talking for weeks about the new film by renowned filmmaker Peter Hedges.  

 In this sense, the leading pair works as a pole of attraction because this drama not only has among its protagonists the iconic artist of the industry, but also the own director’s son, Lucas Hedges.  

 This prodigious and young actor plays Ben, the teenager who returns home with the heavy burden of his drug addiction.  

 A family crisis that comes to light 

This film goes much further "of a stray teenager who hugs his mother", warns Star Tribune. It is "an intimate, incredibly tense drama about a troubled family battling raw emotional pains".  

 Meanwhile, the Fresh Fiction website highlights that "this is the kind of story that shows some family relationships are worth being saved", while at the New York Post website they applaud the "realism" of the film, which does not refuse to show the "devastation opioid crisis create in small cities".  

 Follow all the news about Ben is Back at Diamond Films!


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