Imminent release! Don't worry, he won't get far on foot

All about the film starring Joaquin Phoenix

The life of a public figure can always be an opportunity for the audience to find elements that serve for their internal reflection and to see how an unexpected event can be the trigger for new opportunities.

This is the case of Don't worry, he won't get far on foot, the biopic of the successful cartoonist John Callahan, played by the always brilliant Joaquin Phoenix.

The film directed by Gus Van Sant focuses on a key moment in Callahan's life: the car accident that leaves him in a wheelchair. Sank into a deep depression, everything will begin to change when he approaches a self-help group and starts drawing sarcastic cartoons that will cause a great impact.

A path of pain that shows there is always a way out.

But Phoenix is ​​not alone in the film, as he is also accompanied by Jonah Hill, Rooney Mara and Jack Black to create a solid and effective cast.

A must- see release!

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