Pierre Morel leads Peppermint

Morel returns to the big screen with a revenge story

Many yearned for a new film by French director Pierre Morel. And the hour came with a feature film that fulfills expectations: Peppermint.  

Morel's career shows he was an enthusiastic student of cinema and that he did not reject any work to immerse himself fully in the industry: he was a cameraman, production assistant, director of photography and, at last, he achieved a prominent place in the role that passionates him: direction.

The end of the millennium changed his life. Exactly in 1999 he met French filmmaker best known outside the gala land, Luc Besson, who sponsored him and to whose orders he worked on several projects. In fact, Morel made his directorial debut with a script by his friend, in the film District B13 (2004).

But also from Besson’s pen emerged the story of the film Taken, directed by Morel and starring Liam Neeson, who smashed box offices records across the planet, including the US.


Thirst for revenge

Now, Morel returns to stand out with Peppermint, a film in which we will see a hardened Jennifer Garner. She is Riley, a woman who lost her family and now seeks revenge. After several years of training, she is willing to take the law into her own hands in an unstoppable hunt.

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