Hereditary, the most terrifying movie of the year

No one doubts it: it is pure horror

Hereditary has the honor among the most specialized critics to be considered as the best horror film of 2018. The film by Ari Aster makes the audience shudder from beginning to end with a kind of family saga in which, after the death of the grandmother, the weight of a damn inheritance is felt on the rest of its members.

Critics have already given their opinion

So did the USA Today portal: "Hereditary is the most disturbing horror movie in years," he said. Or the web about pop culture and technology The Verge that got to the point when saying: "Hereditary is terrifying at the level of making you wet your pants."

"Two untiring hours of terror that never loses a single minute of its time," says Hollywood Reporter. While at AV Club they do not go around the bush and said: "It is pure emotional terror, true horror in every sense".

Young New York director Aster has already surprised with shorts within the genre. But this time, and according to many, it is better to watch the film in group and mitigate fear!

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