What does it mean to be CODA?

Find it out!

CODA stands for Child of Deaf Adult and this is how hearing children of deaf parents are referred to. Millie Brother, whose parents were deaf, founded in 1983 the international organization CODA, whose main objective is to "connect CODAs from all over the world."

While at university, she conducted research on the subject and discovered that approximately 90% of children born to deaf parents are hearing. "I am one of them and that is why I wanted to found a meeting place for this widely dispersed group of people. My life was full of constant movement between the deaf and hearing worlds. Although I felt comfortable in both, I didn't feel fully immersed in either (...) – Brother says.

This theme is what we will see in Eugenio Derbez's upcoming film directed by Sian Heder and titled CODA, which will be released soon in Latin American theaters. You can watch the trailer here. It is the remake of the French film The Belier Family and it tells the story of Ruby (Emilia Jones), daughter of deaf parents, who, encouraged by her choir teacher Mr. B (Derbez), discovers she has a beautiful passion for music. However, her family depends on her to help in the family fishing business and to be their interpreter and link between the hearing and deaf worlds. As the story unfolds, the moment will come when Ruby must make an important decision: pursue her dream of singing professionally or sacrifice that desire to stay with her family.

The film invites us to reflect on these two worlds - hearing and deaf - that constantly intersect and where CODAs are the protagonists. They are usually said to be bilinguals because they move between the two worlds from an early age and learn both languages: oral and sign language.

Not only did it win four awards at the Sundance Film Festival earlier this year, but a few days ago it also won the London Award at the British Independent Film Awards

When will we watch it in theaters in Latin America?

At the moment, the confirmed dates are September 23 in Mexico and Brazil, September 30 in Peru and Bolivia, and October 7 in Argentina. More release dates in other countries in the region will be announced soon.

Stay tuned!

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