Happy Birthday Ari Aster!

Let’s go over his great success which won’t let you sleep: Hereditary

We want to congratulate acclaimed director Ari Aster who turns 34 years old today. Born into a family of artists - his father was a musician and his mother a poet - and obsessed from a young age with horror films, we saw him shine in Hereditary, the 2018 film with which he debuted in the direction of feature films.

This film was considered his directorial debut and it quickly turned into a cult movie for lovers of the genre. It starred Toni Collette who plays Annie Graham, a mother who after the death of her own mother tries to continue her life while discovering dark secrets in her family history.

"I wanted to make a movie about the effects of trauma on families (...) It is a story that I suffered, I didn’t have to find it," says Aster.

It is currently available on Amazon, and some users say that after watching this film they couldn’t sleep or that they have had multiple nightmares. Do you dare to watch it?

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