The Report: the unspeakable secrets of a nation

The story of an unlikely hero who discovers a cruel truth about his country and decides to reveal it

From now on, lovers of films based on true events must schedule the film The Report.

 This is a film that will captivate everyone because it goes back to a close past in which, after the attacks on the Twin Towers in 2001, the world's first power counterattacked its enemies with its worst weapons.


On what story is The Report based?

 It is based on the story of a US government official's fight for the public disclosure of a report made by the Senate that told the CIA's clandestine torture program used against suspects.

 The new film directed by Scott Burns portrays idealist Daniel J. Jones (played by Adam Driver) and his tireless quest to reveal to what extent the country's main intelligence agency violated the law and then tried to hide the evidence.

 The Report features an amazing cast headed by Driver, Annette Bening and Jon Hamm. A fundamental life story of someone who discovers a hideous secret and must decide what to do with it.

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