Tully: exploring motherhood without clichés

The new film by director Jason Reitman

The new Tully poster can be quite suggestive about how many women overwhelmed by domestic chores and social pressures go through the experience of maternity.

Thus, the face disarranged by fatigue and covered with children's stickers works as metaphor of some loss of individual identity in the sea of ​​responsibilities and mandates.

Another brilliant performance by Charlize Theron

The protagonist of the film, the always chameleon Charlize Theron has said that "I could not have made this movie before becoming a mother."

After gaining 15 kilos for the film, Theron plays Marlo, a mother of a girl and a small child and now a third child is coming. A baby that, like most, demands her complete attention and it costs her sleep.

Her brother tries to help her by hiring a nanny, named Tully. Reflective and unconventional, Marlo will appear distant towards her savior, but soon they will attain a close bond, as close as it is unexpected.

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