Ridley Scott’s film: All the money in the world

The new film by a director with a lot of personality

What is Ridley Scott’s next movie about? It is about one of the most controversial characters of the twentieth century, in one of his greatest moment of exposure.  

It is about J. Paul Getty, who went down in history as one of the richest men in the world, and whose father, also a millionaire, had disinherited him so that he could learn to make his own way.  

His father’s hardness had an effect: he amassed a fortune like few others. And he also became greedy like nobody else; to the edge of placing public telephones in his mansion so that people did not speak for free.  

The film portrays the mediatic kidnapping of one of his grandchildren in 1973. And the patriarch's refusal to pay the ransom.  

Ridley Scott, a tireless creator

Thus, British Ridley Scott, creator of Alien and author of cult works such as Blade Runner, once again highlights his art in All the Money in the World. At 80, he returns to the big screen to offer, once again, his incessant search for a unique cinematographic experience.

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