Mar del Plata International Film Festival: the return to in-person activities on the Atlantic coast

The most important film event in the country has returned with a hybrid proposal.

The 36th edition of the Mar del Plata International Film Festival began on Thursday, November 18 and run until Sunday, November 28. Through a mixed modality, the Festival gave access to different viewing platforms and returned to in-person activities respecting the allowed capacity. This edition, which is dedicated to the memory of David "Coco" Blaustein and Fernando "Pino" Solanas, featured film screenings, tributes and talks on the seventh art. 

Let's remember that the film industry suffered a great impact last year after the suspension of screenings, filming and festivals. However, several organizations took advantage of this opportunity to reinvent themselves and carry out different initiatives such as the online transmission of events or the screening of films through other platforms. This year the National Institute of Cinema and Audiovisual Arts (INCAA, for its acronym in Spanish) decided to continue with a hybrid proposal to regain the excitement of going back to movie theaters without leaving aside the virtual, as it allows the Mar del Plata Film Festival to reach every part of the country.

Last week, the International Competition presented twelve productions from different countries, including the United States, South Korea, Georgia, Italy and France. The program offered a wide variety of films, among which Petite Maman by Céline Sciamma, director of Tomboy and Portrait of a Lady on Fire, stood out. Starring Gabrielle Sanz, Nina Meurisse and Joséphine Sanz, the film tells the story of Nelly, who is eight years old and has just lost her grandmother. While helping her parents empty the house where her mother grew up, Nelly meets another girl her age with whom she will experience a great connection. Petite Maman is a cinematic experience that invites us to reflect on the concept of family, friendship and childhood grief.

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