The current war is already captivating the specialized critics

Great review for director Alfonso Gomez-Rejon's film

For Deadline, the online entertainment magazine, the new film featuring Benedict Cumberbatch and Michael Shannon made a great impression.

 The Current War reflects the battle between inventor Thomas Edison (Cumberbatch) and businessman George Westinghouse (Shannon) to obtain the rights to illuminate the country at the end of the 19th century.

 After a first cut in edition that was not entirely effective, the project fell into the hands of director Alfonso Gomez-Rejon who gave the necessary push to the story. Journalist Pete Hammnod says: "Gomez-Rejon has reinvented his film intelligently and made it much more vital and entertaining than the version I remember."

 And he adds a fact that will strike the spectators: “It is exciting to watch it, especially for those interested in the titans of our history and the people who would be directing Silicon Valley if they were alive at this time. They were the Steve Jobs and Bill Gates of his time.”


The current war. Masterfully played characters

 Another aspect that highlights the specialized media outlet is the work of the actors. “The cast is excellent. Cumberbatch fits this Edison role, perfectly capturing all its brilliance, talent for the show and conceit. Shannon kindly and cleverly downplays Westinghouse. (Nicholas) Hoult is excellent as Tesla, and there is an excellent job of Tom Holland as Edison's secretary.”

 The film is soon to be released!

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