Only evil men: Living in anger

The world is full of good and bad people. In the movies, this is always strengthened.

Among the most vicious villains of recent times, no one can forget President Coriolanus Snow in The Hunger Games (2012). Donald Sutherland portrayed this despot tyrannical leader who ruled Panem. Although it is known that Katniss Everdeen’s (Jennifer Lawrence) arrival to the games will change the history of the nation forever.

There are other examples where meanness is camouflaged with beauty, as in the case of Nicole Kidman and the movie Paddington (2014): the evil blonde who seeks to dissect and convert a tender bear into the collection of a natural museum.

In other cases, evil takes the main role as in The Hateful Eight (2015) by Quentin Tarantino. A western set in the United States in the late nineteenth century that mixes elements of mystery with black comedy.

In short, bad guys are always there because where there is a movie there will always be a villain!

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