Shailene Woodley and anxiety during quarantine

Controlling your feelings in times of lockdown

Coronavirus has been certainly a shock that caused everyone to change their habits abruptly.

 That's why, from one day to the next, social events and meetings with family and friends ended. But that change inevitably brings abut emotional consequences.

 Aware of this situation, actress Shailene Woodley offered a series of tips to cope with anxiety during quarantine in a free virtual event organized with her mother Lori Woodley.

 At the event, the documentary Angst was screened, which delves into anxiety and then a panel of professionals explained how to cope with anxiety in times of coronavirus.

 The actress, remembered for her performance in Adrift, where a newlywed couple has the misfortune to come across a big storm at sea, founded the charity All it Takes in 2010 with her mother.

 We celebrate the initiative and the fact that many people are living this time in the best possible way.

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