Diane Keaton: an outstanding career

The actress returns to the big screen with the great comedy Poms

Diane Keaton is a symbol in the film industry but she is not only an actress, she is also a director, producer and an influencer from her Instagram account where she shows her original daily looks.

The Oscar winner for Best Actress for Annie Hall (1977) feels great at 73 and does not intend to retire from the industry. She has plenty of reasons because she has an excellent filmography including films like: The Godfather (1972), The First Wives Club (1996) and Something's Gotta Give (2003).

Tailored for comedy, like she said it herself, Keaton will be the main character in Poms, a hilarious and really motivating story.


Poms. Where there are no limits for new objectives.

The retirement community “Sun Springs” will be revolutionized with Martha’s arrival, who although living the last years of her life, is determined not to give up her dreams and goals.

Therefore, she will create a group of cheerleaders with some peers with a crystal-clear objective: participating in a cheerleader contest. And they will team up with Chloe (Alisha Boe), who will help them prepare for the competition.

A truly unmissable film!


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