The film about the most liberal justice

Screenwriter Daniel Stiepleman tells the story behind the film On the basis of sex

The germ of the film emerged in the middle of a funeral. American scriptwriter Daniel Stiepleman was with his aunt, the recognized justice of the Supreme Court of the United States Ruth Bader Ginsburg, who at that sad moment had to say goodbye to her husband Martin.  

 Since then, Stiepleman began to be closer to Ginsburg. He confessed to being increasingly attracted by the intense life this 85-year-old woman had fighting for women's rights.  

 A heroine in Justice  

 He immediately understood that it was worthwhile to portray the experience of one of the nine women who went to law school in the 50s, and he started writing the script behind the film On the basis of sex.  

 "One of the great joys of this project for me was, in a way, to feel that I got to know my Aunt Ruth for the first time, and she could also know me as a writer," Stiepleman said when talking about the film starring Felicity Jones.  

 Stiepleman revealed that for Justice Ginsburg it was essential that the story be kept as close to reality as possible. "We spent hours and hours on the phone reviewing. The most important thing for her was that the law be represented correctly," he recalled.


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