Bruckheimer: "Making films about people who changed things"

The producer of 12 Strong talks about the behind the scenes of the film

For more than forty years Jerry Bruckheimer has been one of the most successful Hollywood producers. Among his tireless list of films are success such as Beverly Hills Cop (1984), Top Gun (1986) or Black Hawk Down (2001).

12 Strong, his latest film, is based on a true story. When asked about how the project came about, Bruckheimer says: "They sent us the book by Doug Stanton sometime in 2009, before it was published. It captivated me immediately, so we bought the rights right away and we started to develop it," he said.

And he adds something fundamental when it comes to deciding on a project: "I love doing movies about people who changed things in this world and from whom most people did not hear about. And these twelve soldiers should never be forgotten for their heroism", he claimed.

The real story on which 12 Strong is based

Shortly after the attack on the Twin Towers, the US Army sends the first counteroffensive. Twelve men commanded by Captain Mitch Nelson (Chris Hemsworth) arrive in Afghanistan on a seemingly impossible mission to find, together with locals, those responsible for that event.

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