World Refugee Day: Flee

Today we remember this amazing animated documentary

World Refugee Day is an international day designated by the United Nations to honor refugees and displaced people around the globe. The strength and courage of people who have been forced to flee their homes to escape conflict or persecution are honored every June 20. On this day, we also seek to foster greater understanding and empathy for people who find themselves in such circumstances.

Therefore, we would like to review one of the most moving films of recent times that delves into this issue: Flee. The film follows Amin, a successful academic, who is about to start a new chapter in his life by marrying his fiancé, Kasper. But the ghosts of Amin's troubled past continue to haunt him. 

The animated documentary delves into Amin’s past, an Afghan man who has been living in Copenhagen for several years. He begins the film by talking about his childhood in Afghanistan, the Afghan-Soviet war that forced him to leave the country, and the odyssey his family went through to find a better place to live. This is a Danish film that received three Oscar nominations: Best International Feature Film, Best Animated Feature, and Best Documentary Feature.

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