Director Scott Z. Burns and his quest for the truth

The survey of sources and testimonies to create The Report

The truth is not always what we want to hear and that is why the new film by director Scott Z. Burns reveals everything the United States government hid after the terrorist attack on the Twin Towers in 2001.

 Adam Driver plays investigator agent Daniel Jones and he is the one who goes after the actions aimed at hiding interrogation and torture procedures the US state carried out after the attack.

 It was not an easy task for screenwriter and director Scott Z. Burns. Therefore, once he obtained the report prepared by Jones, he decided to speak with several experts to obtain more information on the shocking issue.


The Report. The research work by Scott Z. Burns

 “I talked with people of military intelligence about interrogation methods and also with the Navy SEALs about the SERE school, where soldiers are taught to resist torture. I also met with psychologists, lawyers, a Harvard human rights researcher who had worked with the Red Cross and several journalists,” the director recalls.

 Burns's deep immersion in the report put him in touch with several US senators who gave their views on how the CIA eluded the law.

 The Report Is certainly a must- see film to understand the logic of power when it is not properly controlled.

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