Mimi Leder: "Justice Ginsburg's story is more relevant than ever"

The director of On the Basis of Sex draws a parallel with nowadays

The films of the time are usually used by filmmakers as a metaphor to talk about the present, that relationship allows placing in the arena of public debate elements to enrich and learn more about the antecedents of our present.  

Something the director Mimi Leder also took into account when deciding to take the life of the famous justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg to the big screen. On the Basis of Sex has a great social importance today for her.  

"The story of Justice Ginsburg is more relevant than ever," Leder said in statements to the press. She added: "Her legacy speaks of the #MeToo movement and the #TimesUp movement and cultural conversations about gender equality, gender parity, equal pay and equal rights."  

For the director, the movement is not over, "it's just the beginning, but you can draw a direct line to where it started. And it started with her," she said.  

To learn more about the career of the lawyer who reached the Supreme Court of the United States, the story is placed at the beginning of a young Ginsburg, played to perfection by Felicity Jones, to show a lifetime dedicated to the struggle of equality.  


A must-see film to learn more about current historical processes!

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