Obsession, tributes and literature

Director Steven Knight’s nod in his latest movie Serenity

Although British filmmaker Steven Knight is very clear that his next film Serenity is not a traditional black thriller, he certainly pays tribute to the classic films of the genre.  

And he goes further because in the list of tributes, he comfortably transits the field of literature. "In terms of dialogue, setting and mood, the film is a conscious nod to Ernest Hemingway and Graham Green, absolutely. It also refers to some of the classic movies of the 40s and 50s," says Knight.  

In fact, the director of photography Jess Hall said that when he read the script, it immediately took him to Hemingway. "It seemed an extremely original piece in itself. The world that he has created is an original world," he stressed.  

Likewise, costume designer Danny Glickman confessed that when creating the costumes of the characters, he referenced in the classic film noir. "I focused a lot on those of Humphrey Bogart and Lauren Bacall," he explained.  


The past knocks on the door

The film has an impeccable leading duo. The Oscar-winning actors Matthew McConaughey and Anne Hathaway make up a tormented and full of secrets ex-couple who ends up conspiring to murder Hathaway's new husband.

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