7 days in Entebbe: one movie, all voices

The challenge of recreating the Israeli hostage crisis in Uganda

The challenge was great for prominent director José Padilha. This Brazilian filmmaker not only tried to recreate the real hijacking of a plane in mid-flight that put world diplomacy in suspense in 1976, but he also wanted to put himself in the shoes of the protagonists, and show their weaknesses and contradictions.

Far from the binomial of good and bad

A plane from Tel Aviv was diverted to Uganda- taken in a cruel dictatorship- by sympathizers of the Palestinian cause. To a large extent, those responsible are remembered as "terrorists" by the Israelis or as "freedom fighters" by the Palestinians. But Padilha embarks on the difficult task of showing the story from multiple perspectives.

"If I portrayed the terrorists as if they were NOT human, even if they are doing something terrible and inexcusable, I would be crazy," Padilha said at the last Berlinale. Padilha places before the spectator the interests that, at that moment, were played on each side. "The film shows how difficult it is for the Israelis and the Palestinians to negotiate because of the great political cost, something that is happening today," said the Brazilian director.

Let´s wait for the release!

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