What is Chris Hemsworth's new film?

The Australian stars 12 Strong

Social networks burn with each new appearance of the person in charge of giving life to the god of thunder and one of the actors most loved by the audience.

Now, the film 12 Strong is meant to become a favorite of Chris Hemsworth’s fans.  


Chris Hemsworth, all eyes on him

This slender Australian who says his beauty is because of his wife Elsa Pataky’s creams, unfolds his acting potential in the film directed by Nicolai Fuglsig.  

He portrays the leader of an American Special Forces team who must fight against the Taliban who perpetrated the attack on the Twin Towers in 2001.  


Much more than heroes

Based on the novel Horse Soldiers, this powerful war drama recalls the real story of the first 12 soldiers who entered the inhospitable Afghan lands in search of the perpetrators.  

Honor, patriotism, blood, fire and suspense. Nothing is missing from the intrepid mission of the CIA, led by Hemsworth’s character, Captain Mitch Nelson.

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