The Son received a standing ovation at the Venice Film Festival

The Son received a standing ovation at the Venice Film Festival

Directed by Florian Zeger, The Son tells the story of Peter, who lives with his partner Emma and their baby. But everything changes when his ex-wife Kate reappears with their son Nicholas, a teenager who is always getting into trouble, who is difficult to communicate with, aggressive, distant, and has just dropped out of school.

The new adaptation of the play takes a close look at the relationship between father and son. From the failure of Jackman's character to fulfill his role to the crisis suffered by the teenager, the film explores different mental health issues: depression, self-harm, and suicide attempts. The film shows that raising a child sometimes requires a support system that goes beyond a mother and father, and can also involve friends, relatives, teachers, or other people close to the child.

With a talented cast, a director who has already captivated the audience with The Father, and a moving story, the film has what it takes to receive Academy nominations. Starring Hugh Jackman, Laura Dern (The Founder), and Vanessa Kirby, The Son will be released in Latin America in 2023.

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