Adam Devine and a crazy cell phone

The protagonist of Jexi talks about his virtual assistant

Our routine revolves around our cell phone: our contacts, social networks, and apps are close at hand, and Phil (Adam Devine) is not so different from all of us.

 So, when he buys a new cell phone he is surprised when discovering Jexi, an AI assistant ready to help him with anything.

 Jexi can be quite enthusiastic in relation to Phil’s seriousness, but as Devine explains, Jexi has good intentions: “she only wants Phil to be a better person. He is like a scared cat, so she wants to take him out of his shell and meet new people… out of his comfort zone.”


Jexi. When things don’t go as planned 

But those good intentions change when he stars following her advices that bring about unexpected consequences because: “when he follows her advices, he stars leaving his cell phone at home so Jexi realizes she doesn’t want that and the cell phone goes crazy” says theactor.

 This is the beginning of crazy Jexi, the film written and directed by Jon Lucas and Scott Moore, and voiced by y Rose Byrne as the operating system.

 Will Phil be able to escape from Jexi’s jealousy? Let’s go to the movies to find it out!

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