Behind the scenes of films

How to make fake blood in movies

Recreating an element such as blood is no simple task in films, but over the years, the techniques and tools to make it more real have improved. And this is how filmmakers immerse us in the unreal, fantasy world to which we decide to escape for about ninety minutes and believe what they are showing us!

If we think of the plays performed in ancient times, blood was then represented through a red handkerchief, but as that wasn’t credible for the audience, different techniques were tried, such as boiling insects – bugs- known for their red pigment. 

If we go back to the beginnings of cinema, when the image was in black and white, color was not important, but it was necessary to achieve a credible consistency, so chocolate syrup was used. By the time color films arrived, techniques had evolved and make-up artists were making fantastic works and there were even companies that sold this product as a prop. For several years now, technology has made it possible to make this element more and more realistic through, for example, computer-generated images or special effects.

What movie comes to your mind when talking about blood? Maybe Carrie and The Exorcist are classics, but there are more current horror films such as HereditaryThe Seventh DayThe Strangers 2: Prey at Night, among many others.

Stay tuned for more information!

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