The film industry is the hardest hit by the coronavirus pandemic

Experts estimate multi-million losses

 With several major releases canceled and movies and series on standby, the industry faces one of its worst moments. What can be done to cope with coronavirus?

 In Hollywood, the global film mecca, experts estimate that the pandemic generates losses for 20,000 million dollars to the film industry. A figure that highlights what entertainment generates in economic terms.

 And the fact is that the film industry is not only reduced to movie theaters, it also affects the cancellation of upcoming releases and, above all, the production and shooting of new projects. The film industry cycle has been certainly abruptly stopped.

 The same situation affects television and streaming platforms, which had to suspend the broadcasting of seasons, shooting of series and in-house productions.

 Coronavirus could put in check big Hollywood studios, but mainly the small producers dedicated to independent cinema.

 The outlook for the industry is not encouraging, but it may recover with patience as the isolation measures are gradually left behind. Let’s hope it does!

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