Time to meet Ugly Dog and Lucky Bat!

Two funny characters of UglyDolls

The universe of the Ugly Dolls is full of endearing characters that bring joy and fun to celebrate that perfection is not always the best because being different is what makes each member unique.

 Ugly Dog and Lucky Bat are two faithful representatives of the Ugly Dolls spirit!  

 In the English version of the film, the singer Pitbull will give his voice to Ugly Dog, a nice dog who is always singing and dancing. And he also has its alter ego: "Slick Dog", who dares to much more, that's why he is always seen at parties and is usually the center of attention in large crowds.

 Lucky Bat is completely different, wise and thoughtful. He is certainly the best Ugly friend you can have. You never know when he will be there to help you, as he often appears in unexpected places, falling backwards because he is a bat!

 UglyDolls: always looking for new adventures!  

 Ugly Ville is the place where all the imperfect dolls that were not selected to share their life with a child live. Moxy, determined to find the love of a person who makes her happy, undertakes an adventure with a group of Ugly Dolls to reach the "Institute of Perfection" and get the approval. A recognition that Moxy may not need.


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