"Keira Knightley was the obvious choice for Colette"

The choice by director Wash Westmoreland

Carrying out a story of liberation and audacity as was Sidonie-Gabrielle Colette’s life needed an actress with the same characteristics. Director Wash Westmoreland though about that when looking for the protagonist of Colette.

"Keira Knightley was the obvious choice for Colette," states the director, adding: "because she has a combination of incredible intelligence and wit and an innate understanding of the interpretation of period characters."

But compliments do not stop there. "She is the right age to play a woman from 19 to 34 years old, and it is very credible to see her in the role of a writer. Keira is one of the few people who combines all the qualities Colette would require," he said.


Colette: liberation and desire


Colette’s life (Knightley) changes suddenly when she meets Willy (Dominic West), with whom she later marries. In the eagerness to find new resources for the couple, she becomes the ghost writer of her husband. By achieving unexpected success, Colette will fight for the truth to come to light and be recognized for her prose.

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