First reviews of On the Basis of Sex

The film about the justice who made history with her fight for gender equality

It is time for women who fight for just causes in the world. And films certainly do not stay behind and treasures like On the Basis of Sex emerge.

 A film in which Oscar-nominated Felicity Jones will play the role of Ruth Bader Ginsburg, who in a world dominated by men became a justice of the US Supreme Court.

 Women who raise their voices

"A just tribute to this magistrate," noted critic Harvey S. Karten in Big Apple Reviews, about the film that focuses on the beginnings of this lawyer and her tireless struggle against gender discrimination.

 "It's a solid biopic that emphasizes the value of changing the law for social change and not just the hearts and minds of people," Scott Mendelson wrote in Forbes.

 "Director Mimi Leder has created a great movie, not only for the modern era, but for future generations," Courtney Howard added in Fresh Fiction.

 Certainly, a stimulating and hopeful film during these difficult times in which Felicity Jones becomes a true feminist heroine.

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