Tully: more reviews!

The film starring Charlize Theron is a complete success

Tully is coming to all Latin American theaters and the media around the world are talking about the new way of facing motherhood that director Jason Reitman portrays.

For Linda Holmes (npr.org) the film presents a "touching performance by Theron at the center of the film and the way it leaves behind myths about the transformative experience of taking care of the baby," she says.

In this sense, Elissa Strauss (CNN) highlights that: "There is a new wave of films that has turned its gaze towards the inner life of motherhood, exploring feelings and arguments that were overlooked," she says.

Although Katie Kilkenny (The Hollywood Reporter) differs from this idea by highlighting that although the film industry is producing a whole movement "focused on women who push the limits of society, in the case of Tully, screenwriter Diablo Cody was inspired by her personal experience as a trigger idea,” she concludes.

The specialized press already gave its opinion about Tully, now it will be the turn of spectators to give their final verdict.


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