Next releases! At eternity's gate reveals Van Gogh’s hidden world

Willem Dafoe embodies the artist whose work was recognized only after his death

"Maybe God made me a painter for people who have not been born yet." This moving phrase comes from the mouth of Willem Dafoe playing the legendary painter Vincent Van Gogh, as it can be watched in the trailer of the film At eternity's gate.

The film represents an artistic experience in itself and whose invitation comes from nothing less than eclectic filmmaker and artist Julian Schnabel.


An honest and incisive vision of the artist

Far from the mere chronological biography, the film proposes a journey that allows us to delve into the often deranged world of the artist who left the most impressive works of art in the history of painting.

A biopic somewhat atypical, but very sincere and even irreverent by taking certain narrative freedoms. "First of all, everyone thinks they know everything about Vincent Van Gogh, so it seemed absolutely unnecessary and absurd to make a film about him. I preferred to review his creative process," the director details.

A worthwhile zigzag journey, even more so because it is in charge of the great Dafoe, in an interpretation that critics have already cataloged as one of the most important of his career.

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